Wednesday, October 19, 2005,10:29 a.m.
(40 Days of Purpose)
Chapter Twenty-Two: Created To Become Like Christ

Main idea: We were created to have our character developed to be like Christ.
Most impactful verse: "You were...created to be like God, truly righteous and holy. (Ephesians 4:24 GWT)" (This doesn't, by the way, mean we automatically are like God....)
Most impactful concept: Move ahead in your weakness - when we move ahead and step out in weakness we prove our trust in God, His trustworthiness (because He will never let us down) and His great power (because in our own weakness we can't do anything great).
Other thoughts: I think many Christians mistakenly think that life after salvation will be a piece of cake. But Jesus says, "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)"
Once we realize this, and that the troubles are allowed into our lives by God Himself, then we will begin to understand that they can each be used to develop a deeper, more Christ-like character in each of us.

Chapter Twenty-Three: How We Grow

Main idea:
We are not intended to be saved and stay as spiritual infants our whole lives. We must choose to grow and mature.
Most impactful verse: "Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. (Proverbs 4:23 TEV)"
Most impactful concept: "The Christian life is far more than creeds and convictions; it includes conduct and character. (page 183)"
Other thoughts: I think this is an excellent chapter for new believers - one that outlines a process to becoming more like Christ and more like the man or woman God created you to be and finds pleasure in. I like that it outlines a process, not an instantaneous change when you choose to believe. First, you believe. Then, you decide to become like Christ (this is just the decision, not the actual action). Then, you allow God to change your thoughts. Then your changed thoughts allow your actions to change. In this way we walk through a process towards being mature. And I know that in my own life, this process is acted out in many different areas at a time, and each of those areas might not be at the same step as others. I may be mature in one area, while still seeking to decide to develop my character in another. But as long as we're still pressing forward in each area, we will see God transform us into Christ-like individuals, and therefore a Christ-like church.

Chapter Twenty-Four: Transformed By Truth

Main idea:
Abiding in the Word (the Bible) and not only reading it but accepting its truths and applying them to our lives will transform us to be more godly.
Most impactful verse: "Truly happy people are those who study God's perfect law that makes people free, and they continue to study it. They do not forget what they heard, but they obey what God's teaching says. Those who do this will be made happy. (James 1:25 NCV)"
Most impactful concept: A Bible on the shelf is worthless.
Other thoughts: I have heard it said that we live in a generation that is "spiritually illiterate." I love how the Bible promises happiness to those who read and digest the Word. I have found in my own life that reading the Word is key to having an intimate and alive relationship with God. The less I read it, the more I being to look again for other things or people to fill that void that the lack of the voice of God leaves.

Chapter Twenty-Five: Transformed By Trouble

Main idea:
Troubles and problems are a key way God helps us to grow and be transformed into being like Christ. They each have a purpose.
Most impactful verse: "Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! (2 Corinthians 4:17 NLT)"
Most impactful concept: Many people choose bitterness about their problems instead of the 'betterness' that God intends for our lives.
Other thoughts: As I read through this chapter, and especially about troubles always being an opportunity for our growth in God, it occurs to me that, again, it is entirely up to us. God intends for every trial in our lives to be an opportunity to grow and mature and be forced back to His feet again and again. But we have the ability and even the right to deny this growth and to simply view every problem as only "attack" or "just the way life is." I wonder how fast we would grow if we were watching for how each problem in our lives, large or small, could induce us to grow. If we're not sure what that looks like, no problem - we'll then just turn and ask the Father. He may answer us in His Word or through prophecy or through looking back on that problem when it's over. But He will certainly answer.
posted by Karyn Baker
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