Thursday, March 22, 2012,1:18 p.m.
I realized this afternoon, while clicking on my blog link on my own favourites bar, that my blog picture was significantly outdated. Then I noticed that my blog itself was significantly outdated. Eleven months, almost to the day, since I last posted anything. Yikes!

It raises the question in my mind: Does anyone blog anymore? Was it just a passing fancy that grabbed our culture for a period of a few years? Hard to say. In thinking about my own tendency to blog, I can easily remember starting writing for the purpose of reaching and teaching my youth as their pastor. To have an outlet for thoughts and revelations about God that might be encouraging for other Believers to read while on their own journey towards knowing Him more.

If that's the reason I was writing, why am I not still writing?

Surely, as we discuss every Sunday night, 1 Corinthians 14:26 has not changed? Surely, despite all the ups and downs of my life, I still have something to share that might build up the Body? If one is to believe the scriptures, then the answer is yes, I do have things to share. Gifts, thoughts, encouragements. So why haven't I been sharing in this blog? That's a good question. Laziness? Maybe. A feeling that this outlet is outmoded and no one reads it anymore? Possibly. (Though, why would they - I haven't written anything new in almost a year!) A personal drive to share only the things that appear 'deep' because of a broken spirit that needs to be accepted and strives to protect all perception of its own dire state of sin and mediocrity, eventually eliminating anything that might be said on the basis of it not being good enough?

Uh.....well, yeah. That last one for sure.

The truth, if I choose to accept it, is that I do have things to say. I have a story to tell, albeit one of humility and brokenness, highs and lows, victories and defeats, as I move from day to day.

And so do you.

Your story is important. To me. To the Body. I need the encouragement of your experiences with the Lord and the use of your gifts just as someone else needs mine. Don't stop meeting with each other - the meetings of deep-spirited fellowship that take us in concert deeper into intimate friendship with God. Let's not let ourselves get either so busy or so frightened of being hurt by others that we give up seeking the encouragement to press on that can be found by being together in true community. The Word can be relied upon; we all have something to share.

I'm looking forward to hearing a piece of your journey the next time we see one another.

Well, my brothers and sisters, let’s summarize. When you meet together,
one will sing, another will teach, another will tell some special revelation
God has given, one will speak in tongues, and another will interpret
what is said. But everything that is done must strengthen all of you.

(1 Corinthians 14:26)
posted by Karyn Baker
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