Monday, February 18, 2008,9:23 p.m.
VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - A fatality on the Sea to Sky Highway late Friday afternoon.

A person was killed after a multi-car crash about 20 kilometres north of Squamish, which resulted in the closure of the highway for most of the evening.

RCMP say the crash involved a limousine, school bus and a passenger vehicle.

None of the students on the school bus were hurt.

Those were my kids on the bus (grade 7's). Those were my colleagues driving and riding the bus. Everybody is OK, but everybody is shaken, some more than others. The woman killed was a wife and mother of small children. She was not known to us, but even knowing this much is a lot for youngsters (and all of us, really) to deal with emotionally.

Please pray for them. Please pray for me - many of them come to talk to me about it, which is cool, but I desire wisdom above all else to know what to say or when not to speak at all, and I need God's help to turn that burden over to Him and not try and carry it. Right now I am worried about them and my heart is heavy.

Please pray for my Music Department colleague and friend, Adrian. That day has hit him extremely hard and he has yet to be able to talk about it, but it is obvious that his burden is also a heavy one.

In the last few days I have come to a clear realization of how much I intensely love all of these people. And they are hurting.

Please, please pray.
posted by Karyn Baker
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