Friday, August 12, 2005,5:50 p.m.
Today I took my car in to be serviced. Have you seen my car before? It's a black 2005 Acura EL - leather interior and everything you could want in a car, right down to cupholders! (My excitement about cupholders is a long story....) I like my car a lot - there's a great story about how I got it (because no, you're not mistaken that no pastor would normally be able to afford an Acura) - the truth is that God bought it for me - literally - but that's another blog.

Actually, it went in this morning to the dealership for it's very first 8,000km check-up. I was so impressed with this dealereship! Not only did these guys at Lougheed Acura change the oil and filter and check the fluid levels, tire pressure and wear, etc., like they are supposed to, they vacuumed my car. (They would have washed it, too, if I hadn't been so afraid of mockery at its filthy condition that I washed it last night before I took it in!) Here's the part that I noticed - my car was already washed, but I had not had time to just shine up the wheels. The dealership did it. This is not a service I pay extra for, it is part of the service. They even said that they will chamois my car if I want when it's washed (hate all those water spots) - I just have to ask. Their aim is obviously to have happy customers and add to that slight feeling of luxury you want to experience when you drive an Acura. But it is also a good model for service that we as believers should follow.

Whoops. Wait a minute.

Anybody catch that? We as believers should follow the model of a car dealership in how we treat others and offer our service? Why isn't it that people in the business world are saying, "Wow, those Christians, now that's service - we should do our best to serve people like that."? I want to show up even the Acura dealerships in this world with the way I serve people and treat them like they are people beloved by the most powerful King in the universe.

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does...." (Ephesians 6:7-8a)
posted by Karyn Baker
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