Wednesday, November 16, 2005,10:18 a.m.
I've been reading a book by friends of mine, Aaron White and Stephen Court, called Revolution. (Sorry, guys, I can't get the cool backwards letter thingy you got going on in the title.....) Here's a quote from it that really struck me:

"Anything less than a total commitment on our part to bringing the light to the ends of the earth suggests we haven't really grasped why Jesus came, lived and died. (page 32)"

I realize that at a first glance that statement might sound harsh and perhaps even critical or judgmental, but in fact, I believe it is actually the bald truth, with no judgment attached to it. If we do not have spreading the gospel and fulfilling our mission in the little time we have on this earth as our first and foremost purpose in life, we probably haven't yet fully realized what Jesus was doing and how we are to carry on this work. I suppose that could sound judgmental, too, but it truly isn't meant to be. I simply see the truth in the statement.

There's no agenda attached to this statement about how or where to carry out that passion to spread the gospel. Those details are laid before us by the Father in how He asks us to spend our lives on Him. But there is a when, and the when must be not only now, but always, every second of our lives.

There's another purpose that we are called to fulfill on earth, and I would suggest it is primary, even compared to spreading the gospel (don't lynch me, boys, read on....). It is getting to know and love God with every ounce of our being. Spreading the gospel is important (what an understatement!), but it remains only a duty unless sparked by knowing Jesus and fulfilling that commission out of love. The Westminster Shorter Catechism has this as it's very first statement:

"The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."

When we truly know and love God (or pursue knowing Him - we won't get there until we see Him face to face), and truly understand "why Jesus came, lived and died," then we will worship Him more purely and seek to spread His message to every corner of the earth, not out of duty, but because we love Him and we love the people He loves. It will be a commission fulfilled out of hearts of passionate love, just as Aaron and Stephen are talking about.

Bring it on.
posted by Karyn Baker
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