Thursday, November 10, 2005,3:26 p.m.
"Stigmatizing" the Sex Trade
I heard a disturbing comment on one of the news radio stations this morning. The story was coverage of political discussions in light of our upcoming elections, with a member of the Sex Party urging parliament to simply legalize brothels in Vancouver, since - as he asserted - they're already there under assumed business licenses. The MP's response was that irresponsible comments like that one are "further stigmatizing the sex trade."

Further stigmatizing? The inference that I was left with after hearing this interchange (and assuredly the one that the MP intended me to have as it made his collegue look poorly) was that it is people's irresponsible comments that are making prostitution a "dirty" business.

Since when has prositution become a career? Since when is it anything short of a grossly perverted use of something beautiful that God created? Since when are men and women caught in the sex trade people of business rather than souls beloved by God who are only harming themselves and invoking God's anger? Where is the justice in this?

I was so angry when I heard that report, especially considering it left me feeling that these politicians were more concerned about their reputations than actually doing something about prositution. I may be wrong about their attitudes - I hope so. Prostituion is not a "problem" nor is it a political platform. It is people.

May God have mercy on us for our attitudes, and help us to see our way clear to executing justice for these His children (including the politicians!).
posted by Karyn Baker
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