Thursday, October 27, 2005,11:32 a.m.
(40 Days of Purpose)
Chapter Thirty-Three: How Real Servants Act

Main idea: Real servants are available all the time, for small tasks, without requiring notoriety.
Most impactful verse: "If, as My representatives, you give even a cup of cold water to a little child, you will surely be rewarded. (Matthew 10:42 LB)"
Most impactful concept: (1) God often tests our hearts by asking us to serve in ways that are different from our individual "SHAPE" for ministry that we learned about a few chapters previously, and (2) Anyone can be a servant. All it requires is character.
Other thoughts: After reading this chapter, I am forced to examine myself and ask if I am really a servant - a servant like Jesus - to the core of my being. I want to be. Lord, help me.
posted by Karyn Baker
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