Friday, July 07, 2006,2:39 p.m.
Name Update
Name update (now we don't need to call her "Baby Baker" anymore - HALLELUJAH!):

Eliana McKinnley Baker

Eliana means "God has heard our prayer" - the most fitting name I think I have ever heard. Greg and Steph both cried when they told me, as did I. I am as I write this. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to give good gifts to His children. My brother and sister-in-law have been waiting to meet Eliana for something like 8 years.

I saw her this morning. She's perfect. She certainly does have lots of dark hair. That's a Bohlmann trait, as Steph's baby pictures can attest to. She has the Smith nose (my mom's side of the family) - that nose would knock anyone's genes out of the way, I think. When she sleeps she looks like my Papa Smith. That's rather bittersweet, as he passed away about two and a half years ago.

I'm thinking Steph and I aren't going to make it to that movie we planned to see tonight. Too bad. I really wanted to see it.

I think I'll get over it.

Pictures were taken - they'll be blogged when I receive them from Dad.
posted by Karyn Baker
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