Wednesday, August 09, 2006,10:07 p.m.
Pencils and Intercession (not necessarily related....)
Well, I'm so glad that what people choose to read and respond to on my blog are the times that I have made a complete fool of myself! Too funny. I was also more than slightly disturbed at how many people said they could totally see me doing the pencil throwing in the plane. And Robyn is right - I believe I did throw a couple of pencils (in fun) during the 40 Days of Purpose cell group. Throwing office supplies is obviously deep within me. I have had an interesting couple of days where people whom I didn't know regularly read my blog have, in the middle of a conversation, said something like, "Well, whatever you say. I don't want you to get mad and throw a pencil at me or anything."

It's bizarre, like a lot of people are eavesdropping on a conversation you had with a couple of friends. Such a strange sensation.

But a good reminder to continue, between blogging the embarrassing moments, to encourage and exhort the body of Christ to a deeper relationship with Him and a more thorough knowledge of His Word, as I attempt the same things.


Tonight at cell group we continued our book study on intercession. Here's the highlight of Chapter 2 of The Beginner's Guide to Intercession by Dutch Sheets: God waits for us to ask Him for even the things that are in His will or that He wants to do. It's not that He can't do them without us, but for some reason He has set it up so that His will is released only when we pray for it. And there are certain things that we know we are to pray for because we are instructed in His Word and by His Spirit (and certain things we don't have to - like that the sun will rise every morning).

Does that tempt you to read more about that? Or does it leave you with questions and a desire to know the Biblical back-up for those statements? Hook yourself up with the book - it's an easy read and important information. I'm already (after two chapters) knowing that I am not faithful enough with intercession and praying God's will into every aspect of my life, my family and friends' lives, my church, my city and my country, let alone the rest of the world.

God has given us not only this responsibility but this power. Let us be faithful. Or maybe this should be my prayer of intercession: Lord, help us to be faithful.

If you're located in the Lower Mainland of BC (Greater Vancouver) and want to come and study the book with us, we are working on a chapter a week (heading into Chapter three) and get together at the New Westminster Salvation Army at 7:00pm on Wednesday nights (325 Sixth Street, New West). Grab a book for yourself at a local Christian bookstore and know that you are welcome - we dig into truth for about an hour and then we practice intercession and also rehearse worship music (did I mention it's the worship team having cell together?) - so feel free to stay and worship with us.
posted by Karyn Baker
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