Monday, September 03, 2007,8:07 p.m.
School starts tomorrow....

Have I neglected to mention that I'm in another new job? Probably. I've kept that one rather quiet, goodness knows why. But I've gone back to teaching high school. Have I along the way neglected to mention that I am a BC-certified teacher? Probably - that one makes more sense, as I wasn't working as one.

Here's the REALLY bizarre part - I'm back at the school where I taught when I first started out. And it was 10 years ago. I'm literally having another "first year of teaching" (since I haven't been in a classroom for six years) and it's at the same school.

Much is the same - the music wing (which has been scheduled for demolition for almost as long as I've known the school), half of the staff, and the principal. Much is different - an entire new building and more portables, the other half of the staff, a vice-principal and another music teacher (he's a little crazy - we're getting along great).

The absolute weirdest things that are the same are the smells. The music wing smells the same, and the Chapel smells EXACTLY the same. And, frankly, it looks exactly the same, too - completely. It's like a time-warp when I walk into the Chapel. Totally bizarre. Totally surreal. More surreal is meeting old students again - if they're still in school they were in Primary School when I left. If they've graduated they've got Masters degrees and are married with children. (I don't know how things like that happen when I don't age at all.....or maybe I age and just don't grow up - more likely....)

One of the neat things that has not changed at the school is its desire to be a school of worshippers - a school defined by a passionate love for God and a desire to be a place that raises up leaders rooted in intimate relationship with Him. No wonder God has taken me back there - it matches so much what He has asked me to do, too.

And one of the neatest things that has changed is me. God is faithful. He is the Healer. He is the Teacher, the Guide. He has walked me through a lot of stuff - experiences, knowledge, healing and growth - in the last 6 years since I left the school (and especially the 10 years since I started there last time). He is truly good. He is GOOD. I'm not the same. I know because some of the same types of things are coming at me, and I am reacting utterly differently. It's been a real surprise. But a really good one. I've said a couple of times this week that I'm proud of myself for how I'm dealing with some of those things. But the truth is that I'm thrilled with Him. How many people get such a clear look at two moments of their lives that are ten long years apart?

He is good. This whole thing is still bizarre, but He remains good. It should be an interesting year.

And so..... school starts tomorrow.....
posted by Karyn Baker
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