Thursday, November 24, 2005,10:04 p.m.
Few Words and Radical Obedience
So, I've been reading Ezekiel this week. I've decided that it's one MESSED UP book! Well, that's not accurate - the book of Ezekiel is not messed up, but man! some of the things that poor Ezekiel had to do as a prophet were incredible (these things were symbols for Israel, in case you're wondering):

For example:

- He had to lie on his left side, bound up, for 390 days (that's 14 months!)
- While on his side, he had to cook his bread cakes over cow dung (that was supposed to be human dung, but he pleaded with God about that one, and God's mercy was to give him cow dung)
- His reward for lying on his left side for 390 days was to turn over and lie on his right side for 40 days
- After all of that, he had to bare his arm and lay siege to a mini Jerusalem - it was actually a brick with the word "Jerusalem" written on it
- He had to cut off all his hair with a SWORD and run around the city chopping some of it up (the rest he scattered and burnt)

And there's more - that's barely five chapters' worth.

Do you know, I'm at chapter 21 right now (there's 48 altogether) and so far, Ezekiel has only said three things to God. The first was his request to not have to cook his food over human waste (chapter 4). The second, a question about whether God was going to wipe Israel completely off the face of the earth (oh yeah, did I mention God is ticked with Israel in this book?) (chapter 9). The third is also a question, probably out of frustration. Ezekiel asks God if the people to whom he passes these prophetic messages are not just going to think he's speaking in stories or parables. I personally would have asked if they weren't just going to think I was crazy - he showed more reserve than I would have. Way to go, Ezekiel.

Three short comments in 21 chapters. I think I could make three short comments in the space of one nanosecond. And even then, "short" is a relative term. I realize this book is all about God's judgment prophesied over Israel and his anger and the just reasons for it. But to me, so far, I have seen a man who is so dedicated to God's pleasure and living a life of righteousness that he barely even talks to God about it - he simply does what he is told. I want to live a life like that. I'm fearful that I'm not even close, but that's what I want.

Few words and radical obedience.
I have a feeling that one will be harder than the other....

(On a lighter note, here are a couple of comments that witty friends of mine made this week when we were talking about Ezekiel and all his crazy stuff....

"Can you imagine how GREAT Ezekiel would have felt, just for a moment, when after 390 days he turned over to his other side?"

"I can just see Ezekiel going to heaven and God saying, 'Hey, remember when I made you do all that weird stuff? Good times, good times....'"

Just to be clear, when they said this I did move aside in case there was any lightening going to strike them. So far, they're still around....)

posted by Karyn Baker
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