Monday, December 11, 2006,2:46 p.m.
I had lunch with a friend today and as we talked of many different situations going on in our lives, I realized that in regards to many of my own life's situations I was forced to remark that I am powerless to effect change or understand the perfect next move. My comment seemed more than once to be, "I am left with only intercession, and that's OK."

Thinking about it a little more now, it seems a gross understatement. Of COURSE it's OK. It's more than probably where it all should have started in the first place. It's not a place I particularly like - that place where I know that none of my own efforts can have the effect that I desire to see - but it is a place that forces greater reliance on God's power and will. I do like that. And what I like more is that it gives rise to greater opportunities to see His hand move and His will accomplished.

I am glad that there are places in my life where God has allowed me to be "in a corner" and relying only on Him to see things done and guidance for wisdom received.

I wonder if I'll ever be in a place in my faith where I'll choose to start in the corner?
posted by Karyn Baker
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