Thursday, September 13, 2007,8:28 p.m.
So, Stephen has official called me a blog slacker. I cannot deny it - I have totally been slacking, but only on the blog front. Tonight's my first night in three weeks that I haven't brought work home - what a great feeling! (Except for the part where I think I'm forgetting something....) I'm settling back into teaching nicely. I hadn't forgotten that it was some of the hardest work I have ever done - that hasn't changed one iota.

We had our first Chapel services of the year yesterday. Four Chapels: Grades K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8 and 9 - 12. Whew! I think Wednesdays might end up being my favourite day. God was definitely there in each gathering, but even that has brought up an interesting necessity - the need to go back to the truth daily and recognize that all of the "success" (if it can be put that way) of the Spirit in our worship services is still only because of God's grace.

It is creating an interesting paradox, all these comments about how great Chapel was yesterday. On one side, there is the pouring in that I receive as the worship leader - an encouragement that God was doing something, and that at least I didn't get in the way of that. But on the other side, it can also be an invitation to pride, with a false sense of "Look what I did." I think many people don't know how to express their excitement at being in God's presence, so they thank the worship leader. I'm not saying that's wrong; what it does end up being is both a challenge and an encouragement to me. This morning I prayed for humility - to see myself as God truly sees me, both the good things and the things that aren't me, but actually all Him.

God is still a God of grace and will encourage me as I strive to fulfill His will and humbly follow His leading in every worship set I lead.

God is also still a God is greatness and is acutely jealous of the glorification of His name. He will not share that praise with anyone, nor should He.

May He always be properly and truly glorified in all of us. Even where He has gifted us, it is still only by His grace and design that we can do any of these things at all. It was all created for His purpose and His pleasure.

"Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honour and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created."
Revelation 4:11 (NASB)
posted by Karyn Baker
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