Monday, March 31, 2008,9:44 p.m.
I changed theology today.

It's not as hard as it sounds, really. I was simply directing one of my choirs and having them attempt a piece of music from memory. I was shouting the words to the second verse just ahead of them singing them, since they did not know the second verse as well as the first.

The words beautifully say that God is our sun and shield. Unfortunately as I was directing, singing parts and giving them their words ahead of time, this beautiful truth became "God is our SIN and shield."

I think it was their laughter that first tipped me off I had said something weird. Or maybe the looks on their faces.

Oh well, at least they have had enough Bible classes and Sunday School to know that what I said was wrong. Can you imagine the parent phone calls about the heretical worship teacher at the Christian school otherwise? Definitely not good.

Not good, but pretty darn funny.
posted by Karyn Baker
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