Monday, May 05, 2008,7:57 p.m.
Here's an update from Greg that was sent yesterday. We went to visit - Steph looks great, and we got to see Zach in his incubator (working on his tan, as Greg puts it). Zoey was in the midst of a 'procedure' so we didn't get to see her, but she did not have surgery yesterday - see the e-mail below.

Good news today..

Zoey didn't need surgery after all. Last night they started seeing traces of meconium (baby poo) in her diaper. It was a bit of a shock to everyone and we aren't exactly sure how it is getting out of her, but it is, and it looks like her 'plumbing' must be hooked up after all. She is so little and so squirmy that it is hard to get a good look at things. She has some tests tomorrow to try and trace the intestines and where they go so we should know more after that. She is getting the best care that Children's Hospital has to offer and the surgeons have also been consulting with specialists in Toronto that are the best in Canada in regards to neo-natal issues like Zoey's. They also hope to remove her breathing tube tonight which will make
things more comfortable for her. She may be able to start on a bit of milk tomorrow.

Zach is doing great. He no longer needs breathing help and was working on his tan under some sort of bright blue light today. He ate his first real meal (5 ml of milk) - through a tube to his stomach (if you can really call that eating..).

Steph's blood pressure is still high, but they hope that it will start to fall in the next couple of days. She is feeling better and just really needs a good night's sleep. Hopefully she can come home this week.

I've attached pics of the two. The nurse got a decent one of Zach before they stuffed him full of tubes and such. We weren't quite as lucky with Zoey, although she has even more stuff sticking out of her now.


Here are the pictures (check the nurse's hands in both pictures to get a better idea of each baby's actual size):

Zachary James

Zoey (no middle name yet!)
posted by Karyn Baker
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