Monday, April 21, 2008,6:29 p.m.
Today in worship class we touched on a bunch of different topics, including:

Sibling relationships
Invitro fertilization
Emotional healing
Physical healing
Theophonies (God sightings)

All in 45 minutes. Interestingly, we didn't specifically talk about worship. (But in my opinion, a true worshipper is zealous to know everything about everything to do with God. Worship is a response to revelation.)

Don't ever tell me that teenagers are lesser versions of Christians just because of their age. Sometimes, it is exactly the opposite. Hunger is one of the things that produces maturity - a hunger for the knowledge and the righteousness of God.

I don't think we will ever reach the end of everything we can know about God until we get to heaven. We can remain hungry and always find things to fill us up. I hope my kids never get full. I hope I never think I'm full. If I do it will be at the exact moment that I am truly empty.
posted by Karyn Baker
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