Monday, January 12, 2009,7:16 p.m.
OK, so I had a couple of weird moments last night, which seemed nothing less than particularly neat God moments.

Last night I decided to go to church (that's not the God moment part; I do that every week). What was different last night was that I chose to head to church via the south route - #10 Highway and Highway 91. Usually I head north and go through my city and then over a different bridge (every direction has a bridge - I live in Vancouver....). I haven't got a clue why I turned the other way - not one sweet idea. It's not a bad way to go to church, but I do wonder if it takes a little longer. Who knows. Once I had taken the turn and committed to the #10, I thought, "Why did I go this way?" And then thought, "Oh well, I'm on the way now, no point in trying to turn around."

Then, as I was happily driving along #10, I had a random thought pop into my head. I was heading to church where a friend of mine was scheduled to preach, and I remember thinking, "Huh, wouldn't it be weird if Darren couldn't get his car started and called - I'd have to go pick him up." And NO WORD OF A LIE, you might have been able to count to 5 before my cell phone rang. It was Darren - he'd run out of gas and was on the side of the highway, needing to be picked up so as to get to church for his preach.

Even weirder? He was on the side of the #91, not more than about 5 minutes from where I was driving at that moment. If I had gone my normal way to church, I would have been at least half an hour away. As it was, we were 5 minutes late for church, and he was still 45 minutes ahead of his getting up to preach.

Not likely a random set of coincidences.....
posted by Karyn Baker
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