Thursday, March 26, 2009,6:24 p.m.
Cool story yesterday at work.....

Yesterday was Chapel day. That means I'm in Chapel services (leading worship) all day. Best day of the week. For that day, we have to haul out all the sound equipment, drum kit, instruments, etc., that we need for the day - nothing gets stored in the Chapel itself. And because of that, my keys are usually sitting on one of the equipment bins in case one of my students needs to get into the sound cupboard or my office. That's the spot from which I grab them at the end of the day when everything's been put away and everyone's gone.

Until yesterday.

Yesterday, after everyone left, I went to grab my keys and they weren't there. So I looked everywhere for them - and found them nowhere. I am not one to lose my keys. Ever. So I quickly began to pray, and probably even more quickly began to get worried. I eventually routed through the entire sound cupboard, the equipment bins, and even phoned a student who often carries my keys around in his pocket (though he has never taken them home). He didn't have them. They seemed to be totally gone.

So at this point I was walking around the school with a seriously concerned look on my face, since I had run out of ideas of where to look. I went to chat with my Music Department colleague to borrow his keys to lock up, and he said he would pray.

I'm not kidding, I don't even think that my hand had left his office doorknob as I was leaving before I thought, "I should check to see if they're sitting on the keyboard trolley." And there they were. There is no reason whatsoever that they should have been there. I have no idea how they got there. But I wondered if my colleague had even had time to say amen before God answered his prayer, and therefore also mine.

God is good - He is faithful and true. He cares about the small things, and about our being free, even free from worry.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)
posted by Karyn Baker
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