Monday, July 18, 2005,1:16 p.m.
This idea of reformation will not go away - it is stuck in my head. The need for it within the bride of Christ is so apparent that it screams at me every time I think of it, which is very often.

Today I have been looking at some of the history of reformers within the church - John Knox, John Wesley, Martin Luther, etc. These men were all passionate about what they saw as wrong in the church - sin, corruption, misguidance, and anti-Biblical ideas, teachings and practices. But what I find they were not looking to do was start yet another denomination - they were looking for a way to purify the church and see her presented before the Lord in the way she was intended.

There is a danger in reformation - that it creates simply more splits in the church. It also creates heroes and enemies, because in some sad way it is what we as humans seem to need in our lives. I long for reformation in the church, but I also long for it to be a reformation like one that has never happened before - one that will bring us as the bride of Christ together in unity to really understand who God is so that we may fall at His feet in worship. One that has only one hero - Jesus Christ, and one enemy - the enemy of the faith, Satan, and his dominion of darkness. That it would be a reformation that really understands love but is also militant about truth, and above all that it would be a reformation that really understands how to execute the worship that the Lord is seeking - worship in spirit, worship in truth, worship that encorporates justice and the things that God desires, worship that is described in every page of the Bible.
posted by Karyn Baker
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