Tuesday, September 27, 2005,9:39 p.m.
My kids are the best. I don't mean my biological kids - of those I have none. I mean the "kids" in my Youth and Young Adults group. Tonight they threw me a surprise birthday party after our Youth service! Everything was pink (and I do mean everything), there was a gorgeous (and really yummy) home-made cake, and they made me the most beautiful presents that must have taken them each hours to prepare. It was a tiring night of church tonight, but what a great ending to the day. They are truly the best and tonight I feel really special.

To those of them who read my blog once in a while - thanks for everything. I dearly love you.

Chapter Three: What Drives Your Life?

Main idea: Everyone is driven in their lives by something - if we know our purpose it gives our lives positive meaning and focus (and therefore peace).
Most impactful verse: "You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in You. (Isaiah 26:3 TEV)"
Most impactful concept: We are products of our past, but we don't have to become prisoners of it.
Other thoughts: Our culture is totally driven - driven by lust for money, for power, for recognition. Our church has a culture of its own, and we run the risk of also being driven by those very things. We must recognize what it is that we are purposed to do while here on earth (and beyond) and ensure that these things are done out of a heart that is turned towards the Father and is full of love and worship. And there is a promise of peace attached to that, which is awesome, and not to be forgotten.
posted by Karyn Baker
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