Saturday, August 26, 2006,4:45 p.m.
Performers As Worshippers
OK - the new video is definitely NOT working as it should, so it had to go. My apologies for any confusion this blog's first line is then going to cause. It's probably time for a rest from the video thing for a while anyway. If you want to check out the video I talk about in this blog (though it's not particularly the blog subject) you can find it here. No guarantees that it will work any better - I'm afraid it's definitely a video issue not a Baker Blog issue.

New video up today - Phantom of the Opera was last night and was great. It's always great to get dressed up and go to the theatre for a night out. I truly love it. I wish I did it more often.

As I watched this new video I noticed that Mac Powell, who is the lead singer for Third Day, is very much a performer. One of the things that I have disliked about many Christian music videos that I have seen is their tendency to very much follow the world's standards for presentation of their music and in a seeming exaltation of the band itself. This isn't 100% pervasive, of course, but it's something I've seen.

So as I watched this video of this song I really love, I watched what seemed to be a "performance" from Mac Powell, but I have listened to too much of what he writes and says to really believe that he is putting on a show for more than the Audience of One. So it left me thinking of what performers look like when they worship through the medium of their specific art. In other words - for musicians who come from a world of performing to the world of worship through their music, do they still retain much of the performance style in their singing or playing?

As a worshipping musician myself, who very much came from the performing world, I also wonder if I do that. I mean, when I worship, I am lost in worship, so I actually have no clue what I look like. My whole body and spirit and voice are concentrating on offering something to the King of Kings, or in the case of worship leadership, also to listening to leading of the Holy Spirit. But I wonder if I still look like I'm putting on a show?

Wow - I really hope not. Not so much because I am worried that other people will think that (though let's be honest, there is still that place where I hate when people think little of me when I don't deserve it) but actually more so because I would hate to throw people off and have them thinking about or disdaining my "performance" rather than concentrating on the glorification of the King.

I can only pray that no one is looking at me in the first place....

As Your worshippers, Holy God, hide us, and let our expressions to You be protected from distracting each other even as we are side by side seeking to bring You pleasure in everything we do for Your worship. Purify our motives. Perfect our worship.

PS - If the audio on this video starts to skip for you part way through, would you comment and let me know, please? I've been having some troubles getting this one up and running properly. Much as I like the song, it may have to go.... Thanks.
posted by Karyn Baker
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