Thursday, January 25, 2007,10:53 p.m.
I finally "get" the little foxes. Those pesky little critters that ruin the blossoming vineyards in Song of Songs. I've always rather wondered about them in the midst of the lovers' interaction in this book, but I think for possibly the first time I really understand what they are, or at least one of the things they might represent.

Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom. (Song of Songs 2:15)

I think that they are faith-killers. Little things, too - words from others, incidences, experiences, doubt. Anything that is subtle enough to worm its way into the foundation of faith in the promise of God and try to break it up or weaken it.

Foxes are crafty. "Sly as a fox" is an old saying. If the enemy knows that our knowledge of his more obvious tactics is strong and therefore so is our defense, he will resort to more subtle strategies. I find it interesting in this passage from Song of Songs that it is the Lover (God) speaking to the Beloved (us). We are instructed to catch the little foxes. We need to be on the lookout.

I caught a couple of little foxes tonight. And it was because of the simply prophetic prayer of a friend who prayed that the Lord Himself would catch and kill the little foxes. Even thinking about those little critters puts their recent actions into sharp relief.

The Lord answered my friend's prayer, and caused those little faith-killers to be themselves destroyed by showing them to me and allowing me to get rid of them and their subtle power. And now I have one more example that "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)."

Even catch little foxes.
posted by Karyn Baker
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