Monday, January 22, 2007,3:56 p.m.
So here it is - the latest news. I have a job! It seems like record time, but I am confident that everything that has happened in the last two weeks is entirely God's design. I have received so many e-mails and phone calls and even comments here that express how well loved I am by friends and family, that I would almost recommend getting laid off for anyone who needs a boost! (OK, not really, but still....)

This was one of my favourite comments:

"Hey, I'm eagerly awaiting the good news and further testimony of how God has once again proved Himself faithful in your life, planning and leading all along in the way you should go."

So here is the testimony: GOD IS FAITHFUL. God plans out our lives, and if we let Him, He plans them well and does not leave us with concerns or needs. What is the reason that I am back in business instead of pastoring in a different congregation? I don't know yet. But I know that it's planned. Am I still a pastor? Sure, as the Lord chooses to use those gifts in me. Am I still a worshipper? ALWAYS. Never-ending - not even ending in Glory. Do I get to do those things while also playing with numbers (nice!) and seeing what the plan is as far as accounting goes? Yup. The testimony: God is good. Really, really GOOD.

For those who weren't on the e-mail circuit or didn't receive the letter due to SPAM filters (I've been having trouble with SallyNet users for that, so my apologies if you didn't receive it), here is the update letter that was sent out today. And after this, I'm expecting to get back to my more normal blogging routine, so stay tuned.

Dearest Friends and Family,

I am excited to be sending you an update so quickly! As many of you have heard already, I have been offered and accepted a position as Bookkeeper for a small accounting firm in North Vancouver. I will start some time within the next week. Some of you may be thinking that this is a far cry from pastoring; rest assured that I have an accounting background and a love for numbers, and that I am excited about this new venture. The company for which I will be working seems like an excellent place to work, with good people and excellent opportunities for growth.

To everyone who wrote in response to my initial e-mail - thank-you so very much. If I haven't yet responded to you, please know that I am not ignoring you; it is simply that I was rather overwhelmed with e-mails and phone calls, and am still working my way through them all. As always, your love and prayer support is not only appreciated but needed, and I am truly thankful for every one you in my life.

Much love and blessings to you all,
posted by Karyn Baker
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