Monday, February 05, 2007,7:33 p.m.
For those who have any doubts, Karyn Baker is NOT a football fan. (North American style, that is, she quite likes British/Aussie football - what we Canadians call soccer....) Actually, that may be overstating the truth - Karyn Baker just doesn't really care that much about football. Karyn Baker also doesn't have cable, so whether she likes football or not is rather a moot point. (Karyn Baker is also not quite certain why she is referring to herself in the third person tonight - looks like I might still be a bit tired....)

However, what I really like is what I read on the ArmyBarmy blog tonight, posted by Stephen Court, in reference to the Superbowl game from Sunday afternoon. Check it out:

There was a big football game last night. For those not in to it, much, let me relay a bit of the interview following (this immediately followed the owner thanking God again and again). The interviewer Jim Nantz noted that this game had social significance. Winning coach Tony Dungy acknowledged that this was the first NFL championship game with two 'African American' coaches and that this was a good day for America. But then he continued (and I paraphrase) - but I'm more proud of this socially significant fact: two Christian coaches. We've demonstrated that you can win the Lord's way. Now, that doesn't sound too impressive on its own except that during the game the announcers made a big deal that Coach Dungy never swears and never even raises his voice to his players. Basically, they testified to his godly character, and then after the game he testified to its source and motivation. It was good.

Nice. May we all be as bold and as jealous for God's glory.
posted by Karyn Baker
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