Thursday, May 31, 2007,8:25 p.m.
So I have officially become "one of those people" who are quite sporadic about updating their blog. Partly to do with being busy, but then I'm always busy, so...... And partly to do with not having much to say.

Here's a concept to chew on: My friend Jill said this quote in a conversation the other day and I made her e-mail it to me. It's apparently from the book Captivating, and says this:

"We don't get to stay hiding until we are whole."

Just stop and think about that for a moment. Stop and think about the places we hide. Maybe we are hiding from something. Maybe we are hiding a piece of ourselves away where no one can get at it and mess with it.

I've just written about four different things and erased them all. The truth is that I'm still chewing on this myself. The concept has a lot of different angles and requires a lot of introspection. It's provoking too much thought for me to attempt some "boil-it-down" paragraph or two.

Take the time with Jesus to figure out what it means for you. Dig in.
posted by Karyn Baker
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