Monday, July 16, 2007,11:39 a.m.
OK, just finished the second book of my holidays (I love holidays for that), Soul Survivor, Finding Passion and Purpose in the Dry Places, by Mike Pilavachi. I love Mike Pilavachi's stuff - highly recommended for anyone - an easy read with deep truths. Plus he is pretty funny - always a bonus when you're slogging through truth that's potentially tough to process.

This book is about the desert places in our lives. Biggest revelation: I don't always recognize the desert places as opportunities to grow closer to God, which is what they are over and over again in the scriptures. Instead of looking for the places where God wants to refine and remake me, I look for an exit sign for most of the time I'm there and probably only inquire of the Lord as to why I'm there in sheer exhaustion and frustration.

Did you know that the 40-YEAR journey that the Israelites took from Egypt to the Promised Land could have been completed in 11 DAYS?

Obviously their extended time in the desert was ordained by God for them to learn. My time in the desert places is ordained by God for me to learn, whatever the lesson may be. Sometimes, though, I wonder how much extra time I have spent in those deserts not seeking out the lessons or the refinement.

Food for thought....
posted by Karyn Baker
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