Thursday, June 14, 2007,6:47 p.m.
I had some interesting revelation last night. It comes on the heels of some other "revelation" that came about a month ago. What I discovered last night was that the original bit of "revelation" was not revelation at all, but a clever lie of the enemy. And I fell for it - hook, line and sinker.

Some of the biggest healing that I have received from the Lord in my life has been for issues of rejection. Not news to many who know something of my life, and not much different from what many people walk through in their lives. But the healing did come - in fact, I pursued it hard, and the Lord was utterly faithful to give it.

I believe that we often experience healing in layers - some intense healing at one time, then the Lord may get us to revisit the issue later and go through some more intense healing until the roots of the issue are completely dug up and removed.

So, knowing that this has been the pattern in times past, I thought I was simply going into a deeper layer of this issue. Not that I was pleased about it, mind you, I really thought this was all said and done a long time ago - I wasn't all that interested in discovering that there was more to be dealt with. But it seemed that was the case.

Seemed is the operative word. It seemed like I was still wounded, still reacting and hurting from a place of brokenness. It seemed like I was about to walk into another season of painfully allowing God into broken corners of my life. And frankly, though I was ready to do it, I wasn't exactly excited about it.

But in talking to a good friend on the phone last night, she reminded me that I actually am experiencing all these things that are hurting me at the moment. These aren't residual reactions from past hurts - these are current reactions from current hurts. And all of a sudden it hit me - I'm not STILL broken. I'm broken AGAIN. Over the particular situations that are happening at this moment. The Lord HAS healed me. Hallelujah.

And then the second revelation came: Satan is a jerk. Deep, eh? But what I mean is that he knows enough about me to know where the wounds have been and how to counterfeit them and make it seem like this is all the same as it ever was. He also knows the lies that used to torment me, and he has been speaking them afresh in an attempt to have me buy into them once again.

My answer to this revelation is: NO DICE. All of this must be obedient to Christ. The first revelation was not a revelation of truth. I am not still broken. I am broken again, over the situations currently happening. And it's OK to be broken about them at this time, because they are things that are hurting me. I am not still wounded. I am just wounded over this. I am not any of those lies that the enemy is trying to feed me. I am everything that the Lord continually tells me I am.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ...." (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

The weapons of our warfare are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.



posted by Karyn Baker
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