Saturday, July 14, 2007,6:19 p.m.
1. Bare feet and asphalt mixed is a good recipe for running from one shadow to the next. Saskatchewan could use one or two more trees for this purpose....

2. Crickets in the bush in Saskatchewan sound a LOT like rattle snakes in the rocks in South Dakota. Not a great revelation - about as great as the first one.

3. I have Matrix-like reflexes to avoid butterflies that look like giant moths. These skills are a pleasant but somewhat useless surprise.

4. God's tenderness to teach me even the tough lessons and to open my eyes to the places where I have failed is more proof of His grace and perfection as a Father.

5. Birds are LOUD. Actually, they probably are in Vancouver as well, but traffic tends to be louder. (Or the crows and sea gulls - they might out-scream all the rest of the birds!)

6. Everyone is insecure on some level and needs to be built up, regardless of whether we think they deserve it or not.

7. Samson (as in "and Delilah") might have been a Rastafarian. Oh no, wait....that's not it..... Rastafarians take a Nazarite-type vow to not cut their hair or beards. I don't think all the pot smoking is from Numbers 6, though....

And lastly....

8. For Primary School Chapel God recommends play. Since children that age especially love to play, He wants to play with them in worship and teach them the fun and friend side of God. That's cool.
posted by Karyn Baker
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