Wednesday, October 31, 2007,7:21 p.m.
Quick re-cap of life at Casa Baker these days:

Working about a 75-hour work week, on average
BEHIND at work nonetheless
Haven't seen most of my friends in about three months
Hoping I still have aforementioned friends!
Got an eviction notice today (after two years of open houses, the apartment that I rent finally sold)
Have to be out by December 31st - a mere 5 days after Christmas and only 9 days after the end of Christmas season as a high school music teacher
(Pretty sure that Scrooge himself timed the eviction notice)
And oh yes - I'll have been in Kiev (Ukraine) for 4 days by then, so I guess I'll have to be out even sooner than that

Somewhere in all of that are report cards, packing to move and packing for Kiev. Finding a place to live, rehearsals for the Kiev performance, admin for the high school music concert, marking a billion assignments and short- and long-term planning for all my classes and for the worship K-12. Add to that the fact that many people I love are also going through hard times and it's not (nor should it nor can it be) always about me and you might have a decent snapshot of Casa Baker just now.

And though much of this is tongue-in-cheek, I am sure you will sense that it is almost unnecessary for me to say that I desperately need your prayers (whether you know me personally or not), as I'm almost certain it is a physical impossibility to do all of these things in the 24 hours allotted to each day.

If you do know me personally, you may guess what my mental/emotional state is at the moment.

And if you've noticed that I'm missing any personal time with Jesus, listening prayer for the school and ministry time in my home congregation, you're very astute. I didn't just forget to write it. It's not there. And the lack of intimate personal time is what is grieving me the most. It deeply grieves me personally and it affects me in ministry as I begin to lead from a place of memory instead of experience. It is unsustainable.

I know that I rarely write about my own personal emotional state here. Perhaps the fact that I have will add weight to the following request:

Please pray.
posted by Karyn Baker
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