Sunday, October 07, 2007,8:41 p.m.
I've been somewhat disturbed lately to hear, more than once, an opinion that sin is OK if it's not discovered.

Granted, those expressing this opinion would probably not have stated it quite so baldly, but this is what I am hearing nonetheless. It tends to fall into the category of "It's OK to break the rules as long as you don't get caught."

Where does it end? Is it OK to speed if you don't get caught and receive a ticket? Is it OK to rob a bank as long as you don't get caught and jailed? Is it OK to murder, just so long as you aren't caught and arrested and tried by the courts?

I realize that the difference between illegal jaywalking and murder are significantly different in the eyes of the courts, but are they so very different in the core of our hearts if we are committing them deliberately? Believing that sin is permissible for any reason is a dangerous thought pattern to fall into, since it eliminates the integrity and character that we are called to develop as Believers. Worse, in my opinion, it breaks the heart of our holy God, who cannot abide sin. I cannot imagine what He must experience to have to watch it be an integral part of His children's lives.

We are called to be like Christ. It is not expected that we wear a mask of perfection, nor is there no room for mistakes. This is what grace is for. We are, however, expected to make decisions that honour the name of God. We represent His name - what a glorious and humbling call!

Why wait for someone to "catch you" sinning before you decide to live a life of integrity? This is not the high calling we have received as Believers. Yes, God is a God of justice, but it is not the fear of punishment that I am suggesting we live by. Instead, passion for the Father should be what motivates us to live a life that would bring Him pleasure above all.
posted by Karyn Baker
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