Monday, May 26, 2008,8:46 p.m.
Thanks for the patience of those who come to this blog looking for things other than baby updates! I promise I have other things to blog and will do so very shortly. This isn't actually a "baby blog", but it is a good means for getting information to intercessors quickly and concisely.In the meantime, here's the latest e-mail from my sister-in-law, Stephanie, and a couple of recent pictures.Thank you for your continued prayers and well wishes.
Zach is still learning to bottle feed consistently. He ripped out his NG [feeding] tube last night so they are giving him another trial of just bottle feeds to see if he can do it for 48 hours straight without getting too tuckered out. He now weighs 2346gm (was ~1960 at birth).Zoey is responding well to the antibiotics she's been on for an infection which they suspect may have been from her NG tube. She now weighs 1285gm (was ~990 at birth). We are awaiting ECG results from friday as she is having respiratory rate difficulties and high heart rate the past week. The cardiologists might operate on the valve that hasn't closed yet since she didn't really respond to the round of medication they tried a couple weeks ago. It is quite a common surgery in premies.My blood pressure is back to normal without medication. Eliana has become a Daddy's girl since I was in hospital - I suppose not such a bad thing since the twins will require my attention, especially when they are home.We've got some new pictures from past few days. I find it amazing how much both Zach and Zoey have changed in appearance from birth (and probably still will until they reach full-term weights).Love, Steph & family
Zach getting a bath - three weeks old.
Zoey - three weeks old.
Eliana at Sasamat Lake - learned how to use a shovel and seemed unphased by the icy water!