Wednesday, May 28, 2008,4:46 p.m.
Steph's e-mail from this morning:

We had a pleasant surprise last night during our visit at the hospital. They had let us know that if everything continued to go well with Zach's bottle feeds that he would come home on Wednesday. While I was talking to the Dr he suggested that if i wanted, i could take him home in an hour! Fortunately, Greg had put the car seat into the car already in preparation for Wednesday so we did in fact take him home.

I figured I'd be a bit paranoid this time around with Zach being a premie and the concerns there are with premies breathing so I had him sleep in a bassinet in our room (Eliana never spent a night in our room). Partway through the night I was already thinking "He's fine" and put in earplugs :) He hasn't cried yet, but he is a grunter, which woke us up several times.

When I brought Zach into Eliana's room this morning to show her that he'd come home, she knew right away that it was Zach -- well actually she said "Zoey" before she announced it was "Zach" but hopefully he doesn't get a complex about being mistaken for a girl.

I am blessed to have a dear girlfriend from out of town staying with us for a few days, so I am fine as far as childcare/meals/etc at the moment. We look forward to introducing Zach to you all!

Love, Steph
posted by Karyn Baker
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