Wednesday, October 08, 2008,10:02 p.m.
I've been looking at my parents' recent additions to their Picasa photo site, and realized that I've missed downloading and then posting some great pictures of my nieces and nephews. I have no idea if any of you guys really want to see them, but I like them! And actually, I always find it interesting to look at other peoples' pictures. Hey - if I was on Facebook you'd have seen them already. (I'm not - don't bother to look......)

So, here's a picture of Zoey's recent hospital stay. Her legs were up in traction from surgery on her pelvic bone (I won't get into details). She's been discharged just this past week, but will have to go back in to have a piece of the catheter removed that broke off inside of her when the doctors were removing it. Frustrating, but hopefully it will happen very soon and be a relatively easy procedure.

Anyway, here is Zoey with her little legs up in traction. Pictures were taken about two weeks ago - she is four months old.

Don't be fooled by her concerned expression - she apparently did really well, and was smiling and laughing lots, becoming a favourite with the nursing staff. This is her on a visit with her twin brother, Zach. I have to say, what's Zach looking so scared of? Whatever it is, Zoey thinks it's hilarious. Though she honestly might be laughing at the pink pig under his head.

Eliana used to do that bugged-eyed thing, too. Speaking of which - here's a picture I like of her from last weekend. She decided that "Auntie Karyn was having a nap" and then decided that she would like to also have a nap with me before dinner. Hence the two of us on the couch.

One last picture - this is Eliana playing catch with me. She was at the top of the stairs, I was at the bottom. If you've ever played a stressful game, play catch with a large ball and a small child who isn't all that good at catching yet. I hit her on the head several times. Fortunately, I don't seem to have done any damage, except perhaps that she thought it was the funniest thing ever. Tough kid. Maybe she thought I was aiming for her head and was excited when I hit the mark? Who knows.....

posted by Karyn Baker
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