Saturday, August 30, 2008,3:46 p.m.
I defined brain-dead today......

In my role as the Academic Counselor for the school where I work, it is my job to ensure that students are signed up for the courses they need. Sometimes, in our relatively small school, this means that a student will take a course online if we do not have the opportunity to offer it as a class on the timetable.

Such is the case of a lovely Grade 10 student who does not take French but wants to take Spanish. Since we do not offer Spanish, we decided that he would take the course online, thus getting his grade 10 language credit and not being idle during the French block.

All this was settled with his parents in the spring, and I asked his mom to e-mail me when he was registered with the school district for his online Spanish course so that I knew he was all set up. This she did today - her son is registered to start Spanish next week.

THEN all the fun started.

1. I e-mailed her back and thanked her for letting me know.

2. Then I e-mailed her again to let her know that her son's free block to take Spanish was actually going to be second semester (and therefore she might want to defer his registration in the online course), since French was not on the timetable for first semester.

3. Then I e-mailed her AGAIN to let her know that I misread the timetable and actually found the French block, so he was OK and all set to go. I also told her that I would not e-mail her again unless the sky was falling and suggested that perhaps I need to up my medication (praying at the time that she had a sense of humour).

4. And yes, I e-mailed her YET AGAIN to tell her that the sky was indeed falling and a piece of it must have whacked me on the head, since her son is scheduled for Math first semester (which runs opposite French) and that his language block is indeed second semester as I thought in one of my first e-mails of the day. I think at this point I at least had enough wits about me to suggest we do nothing about it until next week (I thought that would give me time to change my mind seven or eight more times without the necessity of e-mailing her again).

Believe it or not, all of this happened in the space of approximately 6 minutes, so you can do the math on how quickly after hitting "send" on each message I turned around and started the next one. What's with that? School hasn't even started yet - I have no excuse.

And all of this gets even better when, after writing all of the above, I remember that my boss reads my blog.

I truly love my job. It's such a wonderful opportunity for humility.....
posted by Karyn Baker
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