Monday, August 25, 2008,4:31 p.m.
I'm sure I'll have some more thoughts shortly about the previous blog, but I had a cool revelation this morning as I was reading Isaiah 6 that I thought I would share. The passage is pretty familiar, I'm sure - this is the first verse:

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord
seated on a throne, high and exalted,
and the train of his robe filled the temple.

There were a couple of things that hit me in this verse pretty strongly.

FIRST THOUGHT: It was in the year that the king died that Isaiah had a vision of the Lord. It strikes me that Isaiah may very well have been totally focused on serving Uzziah, and the king had to physically be no more before Isaiah was able to see anything else.

FIRST REVELATION: The things that we have enthroned in our lives must die before we are to truly see the Lord. Idols create shadows through which it is difficult - if not impossible - to see and commune with the Lord.

SECOND THOUGHT: I found out that the word "train" (as in the train of his robe) can also be translated "hem." The hem of His robe filled the temple. When I thought of the word hem, I immediately thought of the woman in the New Testament with the issue of blood - her touching just the very hem of His garment healed her completely. So now when I read "the train of His robe filled the temple" I might also infer that the His healing filled the temple. (Perhaps it's a stretch for this particular verse, but I actually don't think that makes it any less true.) This verse also uses the word "temple" - we are the temple of God. His Spirit, should we choose to accept His salvation and Lordship, resides in us as a deposit securing our inheritance. We are the temple of God.

SECOND REVELATION: God's complete healing has filled me. Through salvation my relationship with God and my eternal destiny are healed. Through faith and obedience my spirit is healed. God's healing completely fills me.

Let the idols die and the vision of the Lord be revealed.
Let the Lord's healing completely fill us.

All in one verse. It blows the mind a little....
posted by Karyn Baker
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