Tuesday, March 31, 2009,4:32 p.m.
We had a power outage at the school this afternoon.
(Wind storm....)

I had 34 Grade 8's in class when it happened.
("Yikes" is the correct response to insert here.)

They screamed.

Though the lights actually flickered a few times and then did shut off, they came back on a couple of minutes later. I was telling the kids that I actually thought it would be fun if the lights really did go off when - immediately upon my using the word "off" - they actually did go off again! So then I told the kids how much fun it would be if someone came into the class and told us all we could go home..... We looked around for someone to come in, but no luck there. It was, however, totally worth a shot in case I had super powers or something.

It turns out I do not.

posted by Karyn Baker
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