Friday, June 26, 2009,9:43 p.m.
This post is themed "I love Lisa Luxford". It comes with one disclaimer: that though it might sound sarcastic or tongue-in-cheek, it is not. :) (Here's your new post, Lisa....)

I love Lisa Luxford for the following reasons:

...because she gently reminds me when I haven't posted for a while, which encourages me greatly with the knowledge that she reads and enjoys this blog

...because she is half a world away and someone I met for only a few weeks and yet someone I am still privileged to call "friend"

...because she is Aussie (had to say it, mate - not sure it's in the right spot on the list, but it will make all our local Aussies proud that it made the list)

...because she loves people genuinely and deeply

...because she loves Jesus genuinely and deeply

...because she has a smile that will brighten your day and it always makes you feel like seeing you is the brightest thing in her day

...because she exhibits qualities that are consistent with a those of Godly woman - strength of spirit, truthfulness, gentleness and eyes that are fixed on God and looking outward to others

...because she is Lisa Luxford

I love you, Lisa!
posted by Karyn Baker
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