Thursday, April 02, 2009,6:58 p.m.
My dear friend, Phil, has some superbly put thoughts and truths on his blog at the moment, in a post entitled, "So You Want to Be a Rock Star?" (by Keith Green). If you've ever desired or felt called to ministry in the Kingdom through the tool of music, you need to read this. It is profound, and all too often poignant. I have experienced much of what this article talks about in my interactions with others and could not more strongly agree with its reaction and response.

This is completely worth reading and chewing on for anyone. Check out the post HERE.

It reminds me of some song lyrics that I often repeat to myself and those in ministry training:

If the whole wide world is looking straight at you, they can't see Me.
You're just another dying star......
Dying Star (Jason Upton)
posted by Karyn Baker
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