Wednesday, August 24, 2005,10:50 p.m.
Family Follow-up
Well, it seems that members of my family were a little ... perturbed ... that I would call them weird. (Or perhaps just miffed that I "outed" them?) In order to back up my assertion that this is actually the case and not some imaginary reality I've created to make myself look more normal, please let me show you exhibit A. Below you will be able to see an actual sample of a cocktail napkin that my mother passed to me this evening, with some hopes, I believe, that what is written on it is actually true.

Please note that:

(A) It is a cocktail napkin, which is weird enough in itself, and as far as I know, witty cocktail napkins have not yet been successfully used as evidence in court (keep the faith, Mom, it may happen one day!), and

(B) This cocktail napkin was already in my parents' house, which, I think, more than aptly proves my point that my family is known to have a few little quirks of its own.

On the upside for my family, I personally think the cocktail napkin is hilarious and just the sort of thing we should use at family dinners to remind ourselves of the great cover-up plan of normalcy. Brilliant. Perhaps I shouldn't have blogged it - it might water down the effectiveness of the plan....

Ah well. All in good fun.

(PS - For those of you wondering what happened to any scripturally thought-provoking blogs that might have once appeared on this site, they will be back next blog - I promise!)
posted by Karyn Baker
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