Sunday, December 04, 2005,11:54 p.m.
Remember the old cliche that went, "She's got a great personality," which was akin to NOT being able to say someone was pretty? What do you do when she's not all that pretty AND she's got a wonky personality? Tell people that you like her scarf? I suppose that could work, though it seems a little thin.

Tonight I was thinking about personalities. A couple of people I know have said that they find me hard to get to know. I personally find this almost hilarious, as I think I'm the most transparent person alive - I couldn't lie or evade the truth to save my life. (Just to be clear, I don't blab other peoples' secrets - I have an ability to be discreet - I just don't feel the need to hide anything about myself....)

But then I thought about my personality this weekend. Someone who didn't know me well might have assumed that I was 'different.' I was just more mellow, I think, processing some things that happened through the week. It's not a part of me that is often at the fore for long periods of time, but it is certainly a part of me, and I wonder if people really do know that about me.

And then I thought about my beautiful friend, Michael Collins. Michael knows me - really knows me. He knows me enough that when I say, "Sorry, I'm a little off today" or "I think I'm just mellow," he says, "I know. I know you. I understand that this is part of who you are." What beautiful words. Someone knows me so well that I do not need to worry about whether they are going to change their minds about loving me when they realize that I'm not always crazy or entertaining or strong or in leadership 'mode.'

What I find really beautiful is that my friend Michael is a lot like Jesus. Jesus know me. He knows my personality. He knows that sometimes I might describe myself as "off," but the truth is that is another facet to who I am. He knows that. And He loves me. My worth to Him is not based on whether I entertain Him or support Him or am chatty around Him all the time. It is not based on what I can do for Him or what image I represent before Him. It is not based on my ability to appear as if I'm always happy or always together or always in charge. It is simply based on the fact that He adores me, and in that, He has taken the time to know me and understand my personality and who I am.

That's beautiful. Jesus is beautiful.

AND He's got a great personality. What a deal.
posted by Karyn Baker
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