Friday, September 29, 2006,8:13 p.m.
The Words "Well Done"
I had an interesting experience this week. I sing in a classical choir that rehearses on Tuesday nights, and at my first rehearsal on the 19th we worked on some stuff that I couldn't sing! Or more accurately, I couldn't sight read, but that amounts to the same thing in the middle of a rehearsal. It's a little harsh on the mixing of the voices when the entire Alto section cuts out in the middle of a piece. Not so good.

So last week I practiced those couple of pages like mad. The music was incredibly tough, the words were all over the place, and to top it all off, there's nowhere to breath for at least four pages. (Ah, I love that kind of music, truly.....) By the day before this week's rehearsal I had it - finally!

When we got to that spot in the rehearsal, I was so excited! And although I bombed the first run through (it is harder with the other seven parts singing at the same time!), I nailed it the second time through. In fact, I got it so solidly and so accurately that my conductor stopped at the end and said, "Karyn, you're amazing" in front of the whole choir.

So I spent a little time blushing and not knowing where to look, and wondering if someone had all of a sudden turned up the heat in the room, but the truth is that there is absolutely nothing better than receiving a compliment from Wes in the middle of the rehearsal. He doesn't do it particularly often, as he expects a high level of musicianship and commitment from everyone in the choir. The possibility of hearing his praise is not the reason that I practiced hard, nor something I was expecting that I should hear after all my hard work. I practiced because I love what I do and am committed to it. But, boy, that compliment was great. One of those lasts me a long time, let me tell you.

So in the days following I got thinking about this, and I noticed that it has a familiar ring to it. This scripture keeps coming to mind:

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'" (Matthew 25:21)

Well done. Words that we are all likely hoping to hear on the day we finally meet the Lord face to face. Words not that we have worked just to hear - we have worked for love of the Father and commitment to what we know to be true and good - but words that will be great all the same.

I have a passion for the ministry of the gospel and for the glorification of God. But I want to work hard not to prove that I am worthy, but so that this passion and obedience will overflow into every area of my life. I want to never tire of what I am called to do, but always find the same joy in it as I did when I first started.

I do want to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant." But just like my choir music, I don't want to work for the words. I want to work from the passion inside of me. May it always be so.
posted by Karyn Baker
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