Wednesday, February 14, 2007,8:34 p.m.
So, today is Valentine's Day. Cool. I did get chocolates. And a couple of cards. Nice. Actually, the chocolates were liqueur, so while the gesture was lovely, I'm afraid the chocolates probably won't endanger my waste line. My mom sent me an e-card. The cat left me a "present." (Actually that's not a good thing.....) I got to spend almost 2 hours in traffic on the way home from work tonight.

That last one is actually a good thing. I got to spend those two hours with the love of my life.

I've had a good many dates in my life. Two hours can be the longest date in the history of the WORLD when it's boring or not going well. (I have recently been on just such a date - TWO HOURS IS A LONG TIME.) Two hours can also be the swiftest passage of time when you're with someone you really like and whose company you thoroughly enjoy. Two hours is even better when you're in a deep, committed, trusting relationship. I think that's because there is no rush; there is the knowledge that there will always be another two hours.

Two hours in traffic is great, and I'm not talking just about how buff my left leg is from getting to use the clutch pedal so much. It's two hours of worship music to fill my spirit and my mouth. Two hours of conversation. Two hours to pray for friends and family. Two hours to process with God the things in my life. Two hours to listen to Him and two hours to talk to Him.

It was such a short two hours. But there will another two hours. Of that I'm absolutely secure.
posted by Karyn Baker
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