Friday, February 16, 2007,7:27 p.m.
Tonight, my apartment is a mess. While some people in my life think that it is impossible for this to be the case, it is, in fact, true. (REALLY true.)

You see, my place is always crisp and perfectly clean when other people come over. Always. It's become a joke amongst my friends that my place is always perfect. That's just silly to consider, really. I mean, I do live here, and I am not June Cleaver (Martha Stewart, if you need a contemporary example). In fact, if my place is untidy or needing to be cleaned, I don't invite people over. It's that simple. Only the very closest of friends can come over when it's not perfect, and that's because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will not make fun of the fact that it's not up to its usual standard.

I got thinking about this tonight, as I have a good friend coming over, and the place isn't clean. It kind of reminds me of people. Lots of people only let others into the places in their lives that are "clean" - that look good or seem to be together. When there are things that are falling apart, many people put on a mask and pretend that their house is still perfectly clean, but no one is really allowed in to see that it actually isn't. Perhaps they'll let one or two really close and safe friends into those places that are messy, but for the most part, people are only ever allowed to see what that person wants them to see. (This isn't far from the truth about why my apartment is always clean - I don't like people to think I'm messy.....)

There's another kind of person - sort of the opposite person. The one who will talk to anybody about the messy things in their life, and almost revel in its disorder. I'm not sure that they would categorize it that way, of course, but it does seem that way. Too concerned with having others see their messes and offer them sympathy or comfort, but never really taking the time and effort to start cleaning it up. Housework is, after all, work.

I think a healthy person is one in the middle somewhere. Someone who desires to be "tidy" - clean, whole, mature - and yet is OK with being real, and not feeling the need to hide when things aren't always perfectly in order in their life.

Jesus didn't wear a mask and pretend everything was alright.
He sweat drops of blood in the garden.

Jesus didn't flaunt his troubles without attacking them.
He rebuked Satan in the wilderness.

If you're wearing a mask, He will heal you. There is more for you.
If you're enjoying your misfortune, He will heal you. There is more for you.

And if you are a real person, be blessed. And don't forget that He will still heal you. There is more for you, too.
posted by Karyn Baker
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